Project Syndicate Friends Fund
Expert commentary tailored for news audiences has long been central to people’s ability to grasp times of far-reaching change. It enriches, enlightens, and encourages educated discourse. It reinforces our views… or changes them. It provides insight and dispels falsehood. It challenges entrenched thinking, broadens perspectives, and advances critical causes. And it can inspire people, communities, and nations to achieve their promise. For more than 30 years, Project Syndicate was has been committed to distributing commentaries by the world’s leading thinkers as widely as possible, with fees paid by news media in developed countries subsidizing our dissemination of op-eds to more than 500 media outlets in 158 countries.
But our mission is under threat by the dire financial reality facing confronting news media globally. While we have managed to reduce our revenue gap in recent years by securing funding from foundations, and developing university and individual subscription models, our ability to sustain the breadth of our critically important work, and ensure our financial security for the future, requires investment. We need more content. More translations into more languages. More formats in which to convey ideas. Even more diverse voices. All for more impact. Please donate what you are able, and together we can reach our goal. Thank you.
The Project Syndicate Friends Fund hosted by CAF America enables tax-deductible giving for Americans. All donations are used to support andadvance the mission of Project Syndicate o.p.s, a 501c3 equivalent non-profit based in the Czech Republic.

About CAF America
Since 1992, CAF America’s core mission has been to enable cross-border giving by Americans to validated charities and charitable projects across the world. Through donor-advised giving and our industry-leading organizational validation protocols, we enable our donors to make strategic, cost-effective, and tax-advantaged gifts while reducing the risk, reputation exposure, and administrative burden associated with cross-border giving.