Supporting People and Communities in Times of Need

At McDonald’s, our purpose is to feed and foster communities. We’re consistently inspired by the way people and our system come together in ways big and small to support their communities. See below for ways you can help contribute to the needs of people and communities in which we serve.

Employee Assistance

Donations will be distributed among U.S. McOpCo employees who have been impacted by natural disasters and hardships. U.S. McOpCo employees may use these funds to address their specific, and individual, needs. Anticipated needs include:

  • Evacuation – Costs associated with providing food, clothing transportation, and shelter
  • Long Term – Expenses associated with housing repairs, content replacement, medical and other recovery services


If you would like to donate via bank ACH transfer or wire, please email McDonald’s at to obtain instructions on how to do this.


About CAF America

Since 1992, CAF America’s core mission has been to enable cross-border giving by Americans to validated charities and charitable projects across the world. Through donor-advised giving and our industry-leading organizational validation protocols, we enable our donors to make strategic, cost-effective, and tax-advantaged gifts while reducing the risk, reputation exposure, and administrative burden associated with cross-border giving.

Learn more